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来源:高校网 | 发布时间:2020-08-14 13:09:10 |  访问:8732


窦文杰课题组围绕复杂体系激发态动力学开展理论研究工作:(1)分子与光子强耦合的化学动力学及(光腔中)非线性超快光谱;(2)量子材料中的激子动力学和量子干涉调控;(3)非均相界面的ab initio非绝热动力学与电化学;(4)量子计算与量子动力学。

pi简介:窦文杰,2013在中国科学技术大学取得物理学学士学位。2018年在宾夕法尼亚大学(university of pennsylvania)取得化学博士学位,方向为理论计算化学。之后在加州大学伯克利分校(university of california, berkeley)从事博士后研究。主要从事激发态电子结构(excited-state electronic structure theory)和多体非绝热动力学(many-body nonadiabatic dynamics)理论研究工作。相关工作发表在phys. rev. lett., phys. rev. b, j. chem. theory comput., j. chem. phys.,被授予dissertation completion fellowship, john g. miller graduate fellowship, finalist for justin jankunas doctoral dissertation award in chemical physics (aps)等奖项。















post-doc position in wenjie dou lab, school of science

introduction of the lab/ research field

in dou group, we are interested in electron and energy flow through complex molecular systems. we develop excited-state (stochastic) electronic structure theory (many-body perturbation theory, e.g. gw, bethe-salpeter equation) and nonadiabatic (quantum) dynamics (beyond born-oppenheimer approximation, e.g. surface hopping, electronic friction) to describe electron transfer, energy relaxation, exciton recombination, light-matter interactions, and coherence control in complex chemical systems, e.g. inside an optical cavity, within nanomaterials, and at molecule-metal interfaces.

pi: wenjie dou earned a b.s. in physics from the university of science and technology of china in 2013 and a ph.d. in theoretical chemistry from the university of pennsylvania in 2018. his ph.d. work focused on modeling nonadiabatic dynamics near surfaces. from 2018, he is a postdoc at uc berkeley working on stochastic implementation of electronic structure theory for excited states. he will be starting his independent career as an assistant professor at westlake in jan. 2021.

job description

position: postdoctoral fellow (2-3)


1) postdoc candidates are expected to have at least one of the following specialties:

electronic structure theory; quantum dynamics; molecular dynamics; quantum computing chemistry; machine learning in chemistry

2) we give special consideration for those who have strong analytical and numerical techniques in theoretical and computational chemistry

other requirements:

have obtained or about to obtain a ph.d. degree, aged under 40.

compensation and benefits

the research team offers a competitive compensation package commensurate with the selected candidate’s qualifications and experience. applications for relevant projects and programs will be encouraged and supported.

for post-doc(s) who selected for china postdoctoral science foundation or advanced programs of zhejiang province will be entitled to receive the same amount funds from the hangzhou government.

for post-doc(s) who full-time work in hangzhou after completing their post-doc research will be eligible for applying allowance of 400,000rmb from the hangzhou government.

how to apply

to apply, please send the following documents in english as pdf files to, and indicate the post-doc application in the email subject.

?post-doc application form(attach a detailed cv)

?2 reference letters

?doctoral degree certificate

推荐:更多 请关注 今日招聘官方微信公众号


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